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AI Backends

Wagtail AI can be configured to use different backends to support different AI services.

The default backend for text completion available in Wagtail AI is the "LLM" backend. To enable image description, you can use the "OpenAI" backend.

The "LLM" backend

This backend uses the "LLM" library which offers support for many AI services through plugins. At the moment it only supports text completion.

By default, it is configured to use OpenAI's gpt-3.5-turbo model.

Using other models

You can use the command line interface to see the "LLM" library's models installed in your environment:

llm models

Then you can swap MODEL_ID in the configuration to use a different model. For example, to use GPT-4:

    "BACKENDS": {
        "default": {
            "CLASS": "",
            "CONFIG": {
                "MODEL_ID": "gpt-4",


The "LLM" library comes with OpenAI models installed by default.

You can install other models using the "LLM" library's plugin functionality.


There are two settings that you can use with the "LLM" backend:



These are passed to the "LLM" library as "Model Options". You can use them to customize the model's initialization.

For example, for OpenAI models you can set a custom API key. By default the OpenAI Python library will use the value of the OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable.

    "BACKENDS": {
        "default": {
            "CLASS": "",
            "CONFIG": {
                # Model ID recognizable by the llm library.
                "MODEL_ID": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
                "INIT_KWARGS": {"key": "your-custom-api-key"},


Using PROMPT_KWARGS you can pass arguments to the "LLM" library's prompt method, e.g. a system prompt which is passed with every request.

    "BACKENDS": {
        "default": {
            "CLASS": "",
            "CONFIG": {
                # Model ID recognizable by the "LLM" library.
                "MODEL_ID": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
                "PROMPT_KWARGS": {"system": "A custom, global system prompt."},

Specify the token limit for a model


Token limit is referred to as "context window" which is the maximum amount of tokens in a single context that a specific chat model supports.

While Wagtail AI knows the token limit of some models (see, you might choose to use a model that isn't in this mappping, or you might want to set a lower token limit for an existing model.

You can do this by setting TOKEN_LIMIT.

    "BACKENDS": {
        "default": {
            "CLASS": "",
            "CONFIG": {
                "MODEL_ID": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
                "TOKEN_LIMIT": 4096,

Using a custom OpenAI or OpenAI-compatible model

The "LLM" library supports adding custom OpenAI models. This may be necessary if:

  • You want to use a model that's not supported by the "LLM" library yet.
  • You want to use a proxy for OpenAI requests.

You can find the "LLM" library specific instructions at:

  1. Find the "LLM" library's directory. You can set a custom one with the LLM_USER_PATH setting. To confirm the path, you can use the following shell command: dirname "$(llm logs path)".
  2. Create extra-openai-models.yaml as noted in the "LLM" library's documentation. For example to set up a proxy:
     - model_id: customgateway-gpt-3.5-turbo
       model_name: gpt-3.5-turbo
       api_base: ""
         apikey: your-api-key
  3. Set the MODEL_ID in the Wagtail AI settings in your Django project settings file to the model_id you added in extra-openai-models.yaml.
    WAGTAIL_AI = {
        "BACKENDS": {
            "default": {
                "CLASS": "",
                "CONFIG": {
                    # MODEL_ID should match the model_id in the yaml file.
                    "MODEL_ID": "customgateway-gpt-3.5-turbo",
                    # TOKEN_LIMIT has to be defined because you use a custom model name.
                    # You are looking to use the context window value from:
                    "TOKEN_LIMIT": 4096,

The "OpenAI" backend

Wagtail AI includes a backend for OpenAI that supports both text completion and image description.

To use the OpenAI backend, you need an API key, which must be set in the OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable. Then, configure it in your Django project settings:

    "BACKENDS": {
        "default": {
            "CLASS": "",
            "CONFIG": {
                "MODEL_ID": "gpt-4",

Specifying another OpenAI model

The OpenAI backend supports the use of custom models. For newer models that are not known to Wagtail AI, you must also specify a token limit:

    "BACKENDS": {
        "vision": {
            "CLASS": "",
            "CONFIG": {
                "MODEL_ID": "gpt-4-vision-preview",
                "TOKEN_LIMIT": 300,