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Contributing to Wagtail AI

Getting the Code

To make changes to this project, first clone this repository:

git clone
cd wagtail-ai

Setting up your development environment

The easiest way to bootstrap your development environment is using tox. We recommending installing this in an isolated environment using pipx:

python -m pip install pipx-in-pipx --user
pipx install tox

Alternative installation methods can be found in the tox documentation.

Once installed, create a development virtual environment with:

tox devenv -e interactive
. ./venv/bin/activate

Using devcontainers

Alernatively, a devcontainer configuration is available in this repository with tox configured.

Using this devcontainer in VSCode will automatically enable the virtual environment, in other devcontainer environments you will need to activate it with . ./venv/bin/activate.

Working with the test application

A Wagtail example for testing/development is bundled in this repo (find it at tests/testapp).

You can interact with this application inside your virtual environment using the script as you would a normal Django/Wagtail app.

For example, to bring up a development server on port 8000, run:

python runserver 0:8000

If you have bootstrapped your environment with tox, there will be a default admin user (username: admin, password: changeme) available.

Working with your own application

If you already have an application you'd like to use when developing Wagtail AI, you can install the package directly from source alongside it using flit:

# Install flit
python -m pip install flit
# Change directory to where you have cloned the wagtail-ai repo
cd wagtail-ai
# Install the package using 'symlink' mode so you can change the code without having to reinstall it
flit install -s

Building frontend assets

Frontend assets (React components, admin scripts, custom CSS) are bundled using Webpack. A Node.js environment is required to install and run the dependencies required to build these assets. We recommend nvm for installing and using Node.js locally:

nvm install 20
npm ci

If you are using the devcontainer, node and all relevant packages are already available.

Assets can then be built with:

npm run build

or in 'watch' mode with:

npm run start


This project uses pre-commit to help keep to coding standards by automatically checking your commits.

If you are using the devcontainer, this is automatically configured. In other environments run:

# go to the project directory
cd wagtail-ai
# initialize pre-commit
pre-commit install

# Optional, run all checks once for this, then the checks will run only on the changed files
git ls-files --others --cached --exclude-standard | xargs pre-commit run --files

Running tests

You can run tests using tox:


or, you can run them for a specific environment tox -e python3.11-django4.2-wagtail5.2 or specific test tox -e python3.11-django4.2-wagtail5.2-sqlite wagtail-ai.tests.test_file.TestClass.test_method

Building the documentation

Documentation for this package is built using mkdocs. These are automatically built by ReadTheDocs when pushed to Github, but you can build them yourself locally by:

# Installing the package with docs depdendencies
pip install -e .[docs] -U
# Build the docs
mkdocs build